Systems Management

How to install the PCSM Linux agent on Red Hat

  1. Ensure your username is part of the Red Hat sudoers list or any further commands you issue will fail.
  2. If you are not part of the sudoers list, log in as root with the password you set prior and run the following terminal command:

    echo ‘USERNAME ALL=(ALL) ALL’ >> /etc/sudoers
    where USERNAME is your user name.

  3. Type sudo su and log in.
  4. Change directory (ls & cd) to the correct location of the agent installer .sh file.
  5. Type sh AGENTFILE.sh (where AGENTFILE is the filename of your agent setup file for linux.)
  6. If you are prompted at all during the installation (it may ask if you wish to install mono), respond with Y.

How to install the PCSM Linux agent on Ubuntu

  1. Open the terminal app, either from the Unity launcher or from your preferred file manager.
  2. Type: sudo apt-get install mono-complete and enter your password when prompted.
  3. Keep the terminal open once the installation has completed.
  4. Download the agent from the PCSM website. It will come as a .sh file.
  5. Open your terminal again and type in the following:

    cd [folder with centrastage .sh file in]
    type: sudo su and enter your password.
    sh AgentSetup_[filename].sh

  6. Once you are able to input text into the terminal window again, you are able to close it.
  7. Your device record should appear in the PCSM.

How to uninstall the PCSM Linux agent

  1. Open a terminal shell.
  2. Ensure you have a superuser password to-hand.
  3. Type the following commands:

    sudo su – (on Ubuntu) or simply type su (on Red Hat) and enter your password.
    cd /opt/CentraStage/
    sh uninstall.sh

  4. This should complete the process.
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Source : Official Panda Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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