This article will help you to set up an email account which can be used by the ManagementServer to send out email based reports as well as installation links to mobile clients.
Step 1. Open the G DATA Administrator and go to the tab ManagementServers > General Settings > Email.
Step 2. Click on the small cogwheel at the center right part of the screen.
Step 3. Enter the email address which will be used by the ManagementServer next to Sender name (email), then the SMTP server and the Port in the corresponding fields.
Now click SMTP authentication…
Step 4. If your email account requires authentication, select the corresponding type of authentication and enter the required credentials. Now click OK.
Step 5. Back to the panel Email Settings, click on Add… at the bottom-left of the screen.
Step 6. The following panel allows to create groups of email addresses which can be used as recipients for the different email based reports.
Enter a name for the group then a list of email addresses separated by a line break or comma and click OK.
Step 7. Back again to the panel Email Settings, you can create additional groups of recipients with the Add… button. Once you are done, click OK.
Step 8. Back to the panel Email, if you wish to start using email based reports check at least one group of recipients under Recipient Group(s) at the top of the screen.
Configure the different type of reports you wish to receive as well as the frequency at the bottom of the screen. The different options are:
Virus results: All virus notifications related to clients.
Status data older than X days: Clients which have virus signatures older than the set number of days.
Clients are reporting problems with their virus database or program files
Applications blocked by firewall
Permission requests: Requests by clients to authorize currently blocked content by the Policy Manager of G DATA.
Once you have configured the desired options, click Apply at the top right of the screen!