
If Kaspersky Internet Security 19 for Mac functions incorrectly:

  • Restart the application.
  • If the issue persists, try rebooting your Mac.
  • If this doesn’t help, reinstall Kaspersky Internet Security 19 for Mac.

If the issue persists after reinstallation, collect trace files and send them to Technical Support.


How to restart the application

  1. Click on the application icon in the macOS menu bar and select Quit.

Quitting Kaspersky Internet Security 19 for Mac

  1. Open Kaspersky Internet Security 19 for Mac.
The application has been restarted.

How to reinstall the application

  1. Uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security 19 for Mac. See the removal guide in this article.
  2. Restart your Mac.
  3. Install Kaspersky Internet Security 19 for Mac again. To learn how to install the application, see this article.

The application has been reinstalled.


How to get trace files

Do not perform the actions described below unless they are required and guided by a Technical Support engineer.

Tracing is collecting the information about the working process of the application components. Support engineers use trace files for identifying the problem in the application.

To get traces of the application performance:

  1. Click on the application icon in the macOS menu bar and select Preferences.

Opening the Preferences window in Kaspersky Internet Security 19 for Mac.

  1. Go to the Information tab and select the check box Enable tracing.

Enabling traces in Kaspersky Internet Security 19 for Mac

  1. Restart Kaspersky Internet Security 19 for Mac.
  2. Reproduce the issue.
  3. Return to the Preferences window and clear the Enable tracing checkbox.
  4. Restart Kaspersky Internet Security 19 for Mac.

Trace files have been created.


Where to find trace files

Trace files are saved to Macintosh HD/Library/Logs/Kaspersky Lab.

Trace files location in Kaspersky Internet Security 19 for Mac

If you cannot find the Libraries folder, then it is hidden. To display the folder:

  1. In Finder, select Applications → Utilities → Terminal.
  2. Enter the command:

chflags nohidden ~/Library

  1. Press Enter on the keyboard.

How to send trace files to Kaspersky Lab technical support

Send a request to Kaspersky Lab Technical Support via the My Kaspersky portal, and include a description of the error. Attach the trace files to your request.

For information on how to use My Kaspersky, see the Online Help page.

Source : Official Kaspersky Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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