
If you decide to uninstall Malwarebytes, we can no longer protect you from threats like malware, potentially unwanted programs, and viruses. To uninstall Malwarebytes, follow these steps:

  1. In your Windows desktop, click Start DOC-1034-1.png ).
  2. In the Windows search bar, search for Control Panel.
  3. Click Control Panel.
  4. Below Programs, click Uninstall a program.
  5. In the table on the right, scroll down until you see Malwarebytes version x.x.x.xx.
  6. Click Malwarebytes version x.x.x.xx.
  7. Click Uninstall.
  8. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Uninstall.
  9. In the User Account Control pop-up window, click Yes.
  10. In the Uninstall Malwarebytes pop-up window, click Yes.
  11. In the confirmation pop-up window, click OK.

Source : Official Malwarebytes Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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