
Malwarebytes Techbench USB (Legacy) has reached its End of Life as of December 31, 2016. When a product reaches End of Life, all sales, renewals, and updates for the product are discontinued. We have released an upgraded version of the Techbench USB called Malwarebytes Techbench.

Refer to the Malwarebytes Techbench website if you own or operate a computer repair shop to apply.

End of Life FAQs

Why was Malwarebytes Techbench USB (Legacy) discontinued?

We’ve discontinued Malwarebytes Techbench USB (Legacy) to continue improving its successor, Malwarebytes Techbench. To see how Malwarebytes Techbench can benefit you, visit the Malwarebytes Techbench website.

Does this affect Malwarebytes home or business subscriptions?

The decision to discontinue Malwarebytes Techbench USB (Legacy) does not affect Malwarebytes home or business subscriptions.

Can I continue to use the Malwarebytes Techbench USB in my computer repair shop?

If you own or operate a computer repair shop, you may continue to use the Malwarebytes Techbench USB (Legacy) until the end of its subscription term. Once your Techbench USB subscription expires, you cannot renew your subscription.

How does this affect IT administrators, helpdesks, or businesses?

You can continue to use the Malwarebytes Techbench USB for the full term of your subscription. Once your subscription has expired, we recommend upgrading to Malwarebytes Incident Response. Incident Response is intended for customers interested in remediating malware for their business. For more information, refer to the Malwarebytes Incident Response website.

If your endpoints require advanced threat protection, see if Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection is right for you.

Can I purchase or renew the Malwarebytes Techbench USB for my computer repair shop?

The Malwarebytes Techbench USB (Legacy) is unavailable for purchase. If you are interested in its successor, Malwarebytes Techbench, you can apply from the Malwarebytes Techbench website.

Source : Official Malwarebytes Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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