New features
- Microsoft Active Directory integration, capable of querying AD to import admin users, computers, groups, and organizational units.
- Expedited deployment of Malwarebytes managed clients based on membership in Active Directory groups.
- Set a Domain Query Account to synchronize Active Directory changes.
- Restoration of quarantined objects from any managed client using the Management Console.
- Ability to utilize third-party tools to deploy managed clients exported as MSI files.
- Automatic configuration of managed client polling intervals based on the number of clients.
- Policy option added which allows managed clients to download signatures directly from the internet.
- Addressed a memory leak caused by the management server log clean up process.
- Addressed issue where managed clients equipped with a Bluetooth PAN adapter failed to wp-signup.php to the server causing the error “NullReferenceException”.
- Addressed Remote Service Control crashes during push install.
- Replaced customer name in the user interface with ID field which will contain a random fixed length string.
Source : Official Malwarebytes Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team
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