

Installation of a Kaspersky application on a computer running Windows 7 may freeze at the step “Installing Microsoft .Net Framework”.

A Kaspersky application installation wizard window


  1. Create a restore point. See the instructions on the Microsoft support website.
  2. Download Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8.
  3. Run the downloaded installer.
  4. Select the checkbox I have read and accept the license terms.
  5. Tap Install.

Installing Microsoft .Net Framework

  1. Wait until the installation is complete and click Finish.

Completing the installation of Microsoft .Net Framework

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. Try installing a Kaspersky application once again.

What to do if the issue persists

If the issue persists, submit a request to Kaspersky technical support by choosing the topic and filling out the form.

Source : Official Kaspersky Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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