
To get trace files:

Using the utility interface

  1. Run the uu-gui.sh file.
  2. In the main application window, click Settings.

Opening the settings in Kaspersky Update Utility 4.0

  1. In the General section, select the Enable trace checkbox.
  2. Click OK.

Enabling tracing in Kaspersky Update Utility 4.0

  1. Reproduce the issue.
  2. Disable tracing and close Kaspersky Update Utility for Linux/FreeBSD.

The trace.log trace file will be created in the folder where the utility is located.

Using command line

In the command line, run the UpdateUtility-Console file with the -t parameter. For example:

./UpdateUtility-Console -u -t

The utility will run the update, and the trace.log file will be created in the folder where the utility is located.

Source : Official Kaspersky Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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