
For solving browser-related issues, a technical support engineer may ask you to send console and HAR logs. Console and HAR logs contain information about the interaction between a browser and a website.

Below you will find instructions on collecting console and HAR logs in most commonly used browsers.


How to collect HAR logs in Google Chrome

  1. Press F12 on the keyboard to open Developer Tools.
  2. Go to the Network tab.
  3. Click The Clear icon in upper-left corner to clear the network log.

Clearing network logs in the Google Chrome developer panel

  1. Select the Preserve log and Disable cache checkboxes.

The Preserve log and Disable cache checkboxes in the Google Chrome developer panel

  1. Reproduce the issue.
  2. Click The Export Har button in the Google Chrome developer panel to save the collected HAR logs.

Saving HAR logs in the Google Chrome developer panel

  1. Select the folder to save the logs and click Save.

HAR logs will be collected and saved to a specified folder.


How to collect console logs in Google Chrome

  1. Press F12 on the keyboard to open Developer Tools.
  2. Go to the Console tab.
  3. Right-click within the window and select Save as.

Collecting console logs in Google Chrome

  1. Select the folder to save the logs and click Save.

Console logs will be collected and saved to a specified folder.


How to collect HAR logs in Internet Explorer

  1. Press F12 on the keyboard to open Developer Tools.
  2. Go to the Network tab.
  3. Click The Start icon in the upper-left corner to start a profiling session.

Preparing to collect HAR logs

  1. Reproduce the issue.
  2. After you reproduce the issue, click The Stop icon in the upper-left corner to stop the profiling session.
  3. Click The Save icon in the upper-left corner to export the HAR file.

Saving HAR logs

  1. Select the folder to save the logs and click Save.

HAR logs will be collected and saved to a specified folder.


How to collect console logs in Internet Explorer

  1. Press F12 on the keyboard to open Developer Tools.
  2. Go to the Console tab.
  3. Right-click within the window and select Copy all.

Collecting console logs in Internet Explorer

  1. Create a new text file in the TXT format and open it.
  2. Paste the copied data in this file and save it.

Console logs will be saved to this file.


How to collect HAR logs in Firefox

  1. Press F12 on the keyboard to open Developer Tools.
  2. Go to the Network tab.

Preparing to collect HAR logs

  1. Reproduce the issue.
  2. After you reproduce the issue, right click within the network table and select Save all as HAR.

Saving HAR logs

  1. Select the folder to save the logs and click Save.

HAR logs will be collected and saved to a specified folder.


How to collect console logs in Firefox

  1. Press F12 on the keyboard to open Developer Tools.
  2. Go to the Console tab.
  3. Right click any line and select Export Visible Messages To → File.

Collecting console logs in Firefox

  1. Select the folder to save the logs and click Save.

Console logs will be collected and saved to a specified folder.

Source : Official Kaspersky Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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