
You run into issues when you try to log in with your Trend Micro Account using the password you remember.

How do I fix this?

Reset your password:

  1. Go to https://account.trendmicro.com/.
  2. Click Forgot Your Password?.
  3. Type the email address you used, and then click Check Now.You will be prompted to check your email to reset your account password.
  4. Open the email from Trend Micro.
  5. Click change your password now.account information
  6. Type your new password in the New password field and retype it in the Confirm new password field.
  7. Click Update Password.
  8. Click Sign In.We recommend you add Two-Factor Authentication to get an extra layer of protection for your Trend Micro account.

Source : Official Trend Micro Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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