
When you subscribe to Malwarebytes Nebula, we email you an invitation with a link to log in. Once you accept the invitation, you can continue to create your account. This article explains how to log in and review some initial options.

Log in to Malwarebytes

  1. At the Malwarebytes login screen, enter your email address. This should be the same email address used when accepting the invitation.
  2. Create a password.
  3. Accept the terms of the End User License Agreement and click Submit.
  4. Use this email and password to log in to the Malwarebytes Nebula.

Profile screen

Access your profile to manage settings specific to your account.

  1. In the upper right of the screen, click your display name.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Profile.

On the Profile screen, you can change your display name, date and time appearance, or security settings. You can enable Remote Support, select email notifications, or turn on two-factor authentication for a more secure login. For more information, see Change General profile settings in Malwarebytes Nebula.

The additional items on the display name drop-down menu are:

  • Contact Us: Displays support contact information for chat or phone, and a link to our support site.
  • Release History: Shows a detailed list of recent product features, improvements, and bug fixes.
  • What’s New: Displays a brief summary of the latest product changes. We display the What’s New screen automatically after a product update.
  • View Tutorial: Displays a series of videos on how to add users, prepare your environment, configure Groups, Policies, Exclusions, and Scheduled scans. Additional help resources display at the end of the video series.
  • Log out: Logs you out of the console.

Send us feedback

We’re interested in what you have to say. Please tell us how we can serve you better!

At the bottom of the sidebar menu is Send Feedback.


Use Send Feedback to let us know about your Malwarebytes experience. You can suggest an improvement, ask a question, or leave a compliment.

Return to the Malwarebytes Nebula Administrator Guide.

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  • Clique AQUI para o manual em Portugues.

Source : Official Malwarebytes Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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