
When trying to activate Kaspersky Free, you may encounter the “License has expired” or “Activation period has expired” error.


  • Incorrect system date on the computer
  • The license has expired or the period during


  1. Check the system date on your computer. For instructions, see this article.
  2. Try reactivating the application. For instructions, see this article.
  3. If the system date is configured correctly and the repeated activation did not help, then the most probable reason for the issue is that your license has expired. Renew the license by purchasing a new activation code at a reduced price. For instructions, see this article.

What to do if the error persists

If the license term has not expired and the correct system date is set on your computer, submit a request to Kaspersky technical support by choosing the topic and filling out the form.

Source : Official Kaspersky Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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