
Malwarebytes Nebula provides General user profile settings to change your Nebula console display name, date and time format, or to disable Suspicious Activity options. This article explains how to make changes to your General settings under Profile.

At the top right of the screen, click your display name > Profile > General tab.

Change your display name

Your display name is shown in the upper right corner of the Nebula console.

  1. In the Profile Settings section, enter a new display name in the text box.
  2. Click Update Profile.

Change the date and time format

Adjusting the date or time format affects how date and time are displayed in the Nebula console. It does not change how date and time are displayed in reports or email notifications.

  1. In the Appearance Settings section, select a Date Format and Time Format from the drop-down menus.
  2. Click Update Appearance.

Hide Help widget

Hide or show the help widget. By default, the widget displays in the lower-right.

  1. Click the Show the help widget to search knowledge base articles toggle to hide the widget.
  2. Click Update Appearance.

Hide Suspicious Activity

Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection and Malwarebytes Incident Response customers may hide the Suspicious Activity tab in Nebula. This tab is visible by default for Malwarebytes customers, but only Malwarebytes Endpoint Detection and Response subscribers can use the feature. You may prefer to hide the Suspicious Activity tab if you do not have access to the feature.

  1. In the Appearance Settings section, uncheck the checkbox next to Display Suspicious Activity Page.
  2. Click Update Appearance.

Return to the Malwarebytes Nebula platform Administrator Guide.

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Source : Official Malwarebytes Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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