
PayPal can be used to either buy or renew a Malwarebytes Premium subscription. When you place an order for a subscription with PayPal, you authorize Malwarebytes to go through your PayPal account automatically at the end of the licensing term. We will notify you via email at least 30 days before your renewal with the amount charged to your PayPal account.

If you subscribed to Malwarebytes before using PayPal without the Malwarebytes billing agreement, then you will need to authorize it through your PayPal account. You will receive an email with a link and instructions for the authorization.

If you are already subscribed to Malwarebytes and would like to link your PayPal account, you will need to authorize a billing agreement through your PayPal account. You will receive an email with a link and instructions for the authorization.

For more information, see Auto renewal for your Malwarebytes subscription.

Source : Official Malwarebytes Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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