This topic briefly explains about app notifications. The app sends you notifications about certain app activities, for example, in the following situations: When the app is running When the app is carrying out a scan When a child’s time limits are about to come to an end Some of these notifications are always visible, others […]
Articles Tagged: F-Secure
Accessing ID PROTECTION from SAFE (F-Secure Android)
You can access F-Secure ID PROTECTION directly from the F-Secure SAFE app if it’s included in your subscription. F-Secure ID PROTECTION is an app that prevents you from falling victim to identity theft. To start protecting you identity online: Open the SAFE app and select the Identity tab. The F-Secure ID PROTECTION dialog opens. Do one of the […]
Protecting your identity online (F-Secure Android)
This section describes how to access F-Secure ID PROTECTION directly from the F-Secure SAFE app if it’s included in your subscription. Source : Official F-Secure Brand Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team
Checking the scanning results (F-Secure Android)
Once a scan is complete, you can check the results. If the app detects a file containing a virus or other malicious code during scanning, a notification appears in the Virus & Threat protection view. You may see the following notification, for example: 1 Detection – Potentially unwanted app 1 Infection – Harmful app detected To assess […]
Turning automatic scanning on (F-Secure Android)
You can set the app to automatically scan your device for viruses and other threats. When turned on, the app automatically scans the device daily and every time a new app is installed. To make sure that automatic scanning is enabled on your device, do the following: Open up the app, and select Virus & Threat […]
Running a manual scan (F-Secure Android)
You can scan your device for viruses and other malicious code any time you want. To manually scan files on your device: Open the app, and select Virus & Threat protection. Select SCAN. The scan starts. After the scan is finished, the product shows the following information: Total files checked – the number of the files that […]
Scanning for viruses (F-Secure Android)
The app scans your device for viruses, harmful content, and other threats to your device or your data. When scanning is turned on, the app scans the device daily automatically. You can also scan the device manually at any time. Note: We recommend that you scan your device for threats whenever the product asks you to […]
Content types (F-Secure Android)
You can block access to several content types. Adult content Websites that are aimed at an adult audience with content that is clearly sexual, or containing sexual innuendo. For example, sex shop sites or sexually-oriented nudity. Disturbing Websites that contain images, explanations, or video games that can be disturbing. This category contains information, images and […]
Blocking web content (F-Secure Android)
With Content Filtering, you can ensure that your child only views appropriate content on their device. Content Filtering works by restricting the websites that your child might access. The types of websites that your child can access are based on the profile set up for your child and the age group selected. For this reason, Content Filtering only works […]
Setting a bedtime (F-Secure Android)
By setting a bedtime, you can ensure that your child gets to sleep when they should. With the bedtime setting, you can set a different bedtime for school nights—from Sunday night to Thursday night—and weekend nights—from Friday night to Saturday night. To set bedtimes, do the following: On your own device, select People. Select the child’s […]