
With the AVG Firewall profile set to “Directly Connected to the Internet”, AVG does not allow access to network connections like other PCs, Servers or network printers.

If you DO require your Firewall to allow this traffic, proceed as follows:

  1. Open AVG User Interface
  2. Click Tools, Firewall settings.
  3. Select “Areas and Adapters profiles” from the tree on the left hand side.
  4. Tick the box labelled “Disable area detection and automatic profile switch” – This will tell AVG not to auto-detect the profile to use.
  5. Click “OK”
  6. Now double click the “Firewall Component” from the list of components under Overview.
  7. Select “Small home or office network” as the Firewall profile and click “Save Changes” (See the screenshot below)

AVG Firewall Screenshot

Contact us if we can help further.

Source : Official AVGsa Website
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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