1. Need to visit Quick Heal website for Online renewalhttp://www.quickheal.co.in

2. Select ‘Renew’ option. It will redirect to below link: 


3. Enter 20-digit Product Key which you want to renew and click on Submit tab. It will redirect to next page on which user can see the First Activation date and Expiry date of Product key. Please refer the image as below:

4. Select the renewal period (1year / 3 years) and click on ‘Renew Now’ Option to proceed further. It will redirect into next page i.e.‘Shopping Cart and Billing and Payment’.
(User can enter his details and Select Payment mode. Tick on “I agree to the terms and conditions” and click on “Checkout & Pay” to make the payment).


  • In Address section, do not use any special character.
  • After Successful payment, user will receive an Order Confirmation email on his Email ID with Order details.
  • Once you have made the payment through the payment gateway, your copy of Quick Heal will get automatically renewed.
  • If you have made a payment online but license not renewed at your endwe suggest you to drop us an email at [email protected] OR get in touch with Online Renewal Team on 020 6683 5911/ 9272202525 (9.30 AM to 6.30 PM, Monday to Friday).

Source : Official Quick Heal Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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