
Right clicking the Emsisoft shield icon in the notification tray, which is the area of small icons in the corner of the screen near the time, provides quick access to the following commonly used settings and actions:

  • Security Overview – Opens the program to the Overview screen.
  • Protection status – Allows you to enable/disable all protection components or individual components, and to enter or exit Silent mode.
    • Enter Silent mode – Silent mode ensures your full-screen sessions can proceed without interruptions by suspending updates and notifications, and silently and automatically answering alerts according to the recommended default actions. When Silent  mode is active a yellow arcade game character is displayed over the Emsisoft shield icon as a visual reminder.
    • Enter Network Lockdown mode – Network Lockdown mode blocks network access to and from the computer, except to Emsisoft services, so it is still possible to receive support, update your Emsisoft software, etc.
  • Pause protection – Allows you to pause protection for an interval of either 10 minutes, 60 minutes or until reboot.
  • Application rules – Opens the program to the Application rules section.
  • Host rules – Opens the program to the Host rules section.
  • Scan computer – Takes you directly to the Scan section where you can select your scan type and configure detailed settings related to scans.
  • Update now – Initiates an online update check for signature and program updates.
  • Shut down protection – Closes the program and stops real-time protection.

Source : Official EMSISOFT Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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