Debug logs contain information about Emsisoft internal program behavior, which can be used to help us find the source of software issues. They do not contain personal data.
1. Enable debug logging
The process for enabling debug logging depends on the Emsisoft product:
- Emsisoft Anti-Malware: Open the program, click ‘Settings’, click the ‘Advanced’ tab and scroll down to the Debug logging dropdown menu.
- Emsisoft Emergency Kit: Open the program, click ‘Need assistance?’ and select the Debug logging dropdown menu.
- Emsisoft Enterprise Console: Please contact support by emailing [email protected], or post on our support forums for assistance.
Be sure to give yourself enough time to reproduce the issue when choosing how long you want Debug logging to be enabled for.
2. Reproduce the issue
After enabling Debug logging, it’s time to reproduce the issue.
Try to reproduce the issue at least once (and twice or more, if possible). Remember, debug logs are only useful if you are able to reproduce the issue while debug logging is enabled.
3. Send the logs for analysis
Once you’ve successfully reproduced the issue with Debug logging enabled, please send us the logs for analysis.
To compress and send the logs:
- Hold down the Windows key on the keyboard (the one with the Windows logo on it, usually in between the Ctrl and Alt keys) and tap the R key to open the Run dialog.
- Type the following into the Run dialog, then click OK:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Emsisoft - A window should open and you should see a Logs folder. Right-click on that Logs folder, go to Send to, and select (left-click) Compressed (zipped) folder. Wait briefly while the folder is compressed. A progress bar should appear, and go away when compression is completed.
- Move the compressed folder (ZIP archive) to your desktop or other convenient location.
- Attach to a reply to our support staff. This may be an existing email ticket or a forum thread, for example.
Note 1: You may encounter a Windows error message when trying to send the Logs folder to a Compressed (zipped) folder. If this happens and a dialog box offers, the compressed folder may be created on your desktop. Otherwise, you may need to try a third party utility. Both 7-Zip and WinRar are utilities with options to create an archive and save it in another location such as your desktop, which should prevent the error message. Here are links to the download pages for 7-Zip and WinRar.
Note 2: Created logs can become very large over time, so we suggest disabling debug logging after the logs are created.
4. Disable debug logging
Change the Debug logging dropdown menu back to ‘Disabled’ after sending Delete all the files in the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Emsisoft\Logs folder if you wish. A computer restart may be required before all of the files can be deleted.