
1. Kindly check whether any desk has been installed in the system, if yes please uninstall and then try installing after running K7ESRT tool.

2. If Any desk is not installed in the system then kindly check whether any traces of SQL or K7 are left over behind.

3. Download and run the removal tool from the below link to remove such traces http://apps.k7computing.com/Tools/K7ESRT.exe

4. After running the removal tool restart the PC and try installing the K7 product.

5. If the issue persists run the below commands one by one from command prompt with admin access

regsvr32 wshom.ocx

regsvr32 scrrun.dll

regsvr32 wshext.dll

6. After running the commands restart the PC and try installing the product.

Note: In case of same issue or required assistance, you may raise ticket at Submit a Ticket. So our Technical Support Team can assist you to resolve your query.

Source : Official K7 Computing Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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