Note We do not need a written cancellation of the contract. By switching the subscription off, you have officially canceled your contract with Avira. Cancel your subscription Log In to your Avira account. Click Subscriptions in the left-hand menu bar. Click See details under the product name. Click the toggle button to switch off the subscription. Note To avoid getting charged for the renewal of […]
Category: Avira Business
Avira for Android(17)
Avira for IOS(2)
Avira for MAC(50)
Avira for Windows(189)
How do I disable or enable Automatic License Renewal of my Avira product?
Automatic license renewal is only available if you bought your Avira product from our online shop. Note If you purchased your Avira product from a retailer, you cannot benefit from automatic license renewal because Avira does not have your required payment information. Disable or enable Automatic License Renewal Log in to your Avira account. Click Subscriptions in the […]
Why does the amount of my cryptocurrency vary between My Avira Account and Coinbase?
When looking closely at your cryptocurrency in My Avira Account under Avira Crypto → Wallet, you will notice that the amount displayed is slightly higher than the one shown in Coinbase. This discrepancy is due to the fact that the network fee is not deducted in My Avira Account, whereas it is in Coinbase. Source : Official Avira Brand […]
What is Bitcoin? (Avira)
Bitcoin is a digital cryptocurrency developed as an alternative payment system to send money over the internet, just like traditional currencies, but free from any centralized control or supervision by banks or governments. To achieve this, Bitcoin is built on a distributed digital record called the blockchain and relies on peer-to-peer software and cryptography. Based […]
What is Ethereum? (Avira)
Ethereum is a digital platform based on a decentralized blockchain technology that has its own cryptocurrency called Ether (ETH). Just like Bitcoin, the Ethereum blockchain tracks the ownership of the digital currency. It also focuses on running programming code of a range of decentralized apps (dapps) such as security programs, voting systems, and payment methods. Ethereum enables users […]
What is a blockchain? (Avira)
A blockchain is a type of database. It differs from conventional databases by the way the data is stored. Conventional databases store their information in table formats that can be accessed, filtered, and edited by any number of users simultaneously. A blockchain collects information in blocks that have a limited storage capacity. Once the storage […]
What is cryptomining? (Avira)
Cryptomining is a process that involves high-performance computers and cryptographic techniques to solve complex computational problems. This is done to verify and add transaction records (blocks) to a public ledger known as a blockchain. Once this process is completed, the miner receives some cryptocurrency as a reward. For a better basic understanding of how cryptomining […]
What is Avira Crypto?
Avira Crypto allows you to use your computer’s idle time to mine the cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH). Since cryptomining requires a high level of processing power, it is not suitable for users with an average computer. Even with compatible hardware, mining cryptocurrencies on your own can be less rewarding. Your best option is to join a mining […]
Configure an automatic Avira Phantom VPN connection on your iPhone for untrusted Wi-Fi networks
Note This configuration is only intended for the standalone Avira Phantom VPN application. Enable VPN auto-connect to untrusted Wi-Fi networks 1. Open the Avira Phantom VPN app. 2. Swipe right and tap Auto-connect. 3. Enable the Auto-connect feature. Note As soon as a Wi-Fi network is available, Avira VPN will connect automatically. Add known Wi-Fi networks to your trusted Wi-Fi […]
The Free QR Scanner app has been removed from the Avira portfolio (Android)
In June 2021, the Avira Free QR Scanner for iOS and Android devices will be discontinued and removed from all app stores. The app will not have any more successors. If the app is already installed, it will continue to function as before. However, updates will no longer take place. Source : Official Avira Brand Editor […]