

The improved Microsoft 365 Defender portal is now available. This new experience brings Defender for Endpoint, Defender for Office 365, Microsoft 365 Defender, and more into the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. Learn what’s new.

Applies to:

  • Microsoft 365 Defender


Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it’s commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.

Error codes may be returned by an operation on any of the Microsoft 365 Defender APIs. Every error response will contain an error message, which can help resolve the problem. The error message column in the table section provides some sample messages. The content of actual messages will vary based on the factors that triggered the response. Variable content is indicated in the table by angle brackets.

Error codes

Error code HTTP status code Message
BadRequest BadRequest (400) General Bad Request error message.
ODataError BadRequest (400) Invalid OData URI query <the specific error is specified>.
InvalidInput BadRequest (400) Invalid input <the invalid input>.
InvalidRequestBody BadRequest (400) Invalid request body.
InvalidHashValue BadRequest (400) Hash value <the invalid hash> is invalid.
InvalidDomainName BadRequest (400) Domain name <the invalid domain> is invalid.
InvalidIpAddress BadRequest (400) IP address <the invalid IP> is invalid.
InvalidUrl BadRequest (400) URL <the invalid URL> is invalid.
MaximumBatchSizeExceeded BadRequest (400) Maximum batch size exceeded. Received: <batch size received>, allowed: {batch size allowed}.
MissingRequiredParameter BadRequest (400) Parameter <the missing parameter> is missing.
OsPlatformNotSupported BadRequest (400) OS Platform <the client OS Platform> is not supported for this action.
ClientVersionNotSupported BadRequest (400) <The requested action> is supported on client version <supported client version> and above.
Unauthorized Unauthorized (401) Unauthorized

Note: Usually caused by an invalid or expired authorization header.

Forbidden Forbidden (403) Forbidden

Note: Valid token but insufficient permission for the action.

DisabledFeature Forbidden (403) Tenant feature is not enabled.
DisallowedOperation Forbidden (403) <the disallowed operation and the reason>.
NotFound Not Found (404) General Not Found error message.
ResourceNotFound Not Found (404) Resource <the requested resource> was not found.
InternalServerError Internal Server Error (500) Note: No error message, retry the operation or contact Microsoft if it does not get resolved



    "error": {
        "code": "ResourceNotFound",
        "message": "Machine 123123123 was not found",
        "target": "43f4cb08-8fac-4b65-9db1-745c2ae65f3a"

    "error": {
        "code": "InvalidRequestBody",
        "message": "Request body is incorrect",
        "target": "1fa66c0f-18bd-4133-b378-36d76f3a2ba0"

Body parameters


Body parameters are case-sensitive.

If you experience an InvalidRequestBody or MissingRequiredParameter error, it might be caused by a typo. Review the API documentation and check that the submitted parameters match the relevant example.

Tracking ID

Each error response contains a unique ID parameter for tracking. The property name of this parameter is target. When contacting us about an error, attaching this ID will help us find the root cause of the problem.

Source : Official Microsoft Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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