
This topic explains why your IP address may seem to be in a different country than expected.

With F-Secure FREEDOME VPN, you can select the location through which all your network traffic is routed. For example, if you are located in Germany, but select Finland as the virtual location in FREEDOME VPN, all your traffic is routed through our gateway servers in Finland.

There are Geolocation or GeoIP services on the internet, such as https://www.whatismyip.com/, which try to determine the location of your IP address as you access them. Usually this works fine. In our above example case, the German user would see that the connection is coming from Finland with such a service.

However, these services don’t always work as expected, as geolocating IP addresses is not always reliable. Sometimes the IP addresses in question may be owned by multi-national companies; for example, a Dutch company may own IP addresses which are located in Japan. There are multiple different GeoIP database providers who try to map the IP addresses to different countries and cities, but these databases are not comprehensive and may not have the correct information to begin with. The IP addresses in our Japan example may still show up as Dutch IP addresses according to the GeoIP services.

All the virtual locations available for F-Secure FREEDOME VPN are located in the countries shown in our user interface, even if a GeoIP service may suggest otherwise.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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