
This topic explains about the email reminders that we send you and how to discontinue them.

Our email reminders are sent by our ecommerce partner, Cleverbridge. If you keep receiving email reminders even though you have renewed your subscription, there are a few scenarios that may be causing this.

  • You bought your subscription from F-Secure, but have renewed using a different email address.

If you have renewed using a different email address to the original purchase, our emailing system is unable to connect the renewal purchase with the original email address. The system therefore continues sending email reminders to the original email address.

  • You bought your original subscription from a retailer and have renewed via F-Secure’s estore and our ecommerce partner, Cleverbridge.

As the original subscription was purchased through a third party, our emailing system does not know how many days left you have on the original subscription. Therefore, when you renew via our estore, this means that we send out email reminders based on the purchase date of the renewal. In practice, this means that you receive email reminders well in advance of your subscription running out, especially if you have renewed early.

  • You bought the original subscription from F-Secure and have renewed using a code from a retail box.

As our emailing system does not know that you have renewed your subscription using a code from a retail box, we still send email reminders based on the original purchase, even though you have renewed your subscription and the subscription is valid.

How to stop the email reminders

  • To stop the email reminders, open the email reminder to renew and select Unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.

If the issue persists, please contact F-Secure Customer Support.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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