
Web scan allows you to scan and test web applications. You can use web scans during the development of new applications as part of the development life cycle.

This results in being able to uncover vulnerabilities faster, thus significantly reducing the cost and amount of resources required to mitigate vulnerabilities at a later stage, as security issues are caught very early in the process.

Web scan is considered an additional scanning feature that can be applied on top of an existing system scan. In other words, it is recommended that whenever you scan a target with a web scan, it should also be scanned with a system scan.

Custom web applications

Before you create a new web scan, you must first understand when it makes sense to use it. As a rule of thumb, you should only scan custom web applications with a web scan. For example, if you have a system running a standard deployment of WordPress (without any custom modules installed), it does not make sense to scan it with a web scan, because system scans are able to detect the WordPress version and any known vulnerabilities. However, if you know that your WordPress contains custom-developed modules, it makes sense to scan it with both system and web scans. Keep in mind that you only need to scan the custom code or module and not the entire website.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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