
After uploading the public key, you also need to upload the private key to the scan node that you want to use.

    1. Log in to the F-Secure Radar scan node.

For Windows scan nodes:

    1. Start the F-Secure Radar Scan Node – Control Center.

You can find this via the Start Menu after unfolding the nSense group, or by launching F-Secure Radar.Scan.Daemon.Tray.exe, located in the scan node installation directory.

Warning: Control Center has to be opened by a local administrator or have at least a SeImpersonatePrivilege to encrypt the private key.

  1. Go to the Encryption Keys tab and click Add.
  2. Enter the same key name as used in the Elements Security Center, upload the private key and click Save.

    Note: The names of the public key and private key must match for the authentication to work.

    Note: Encryption keys are stored safely in a user account context. You will be asked for credentials to the account on which the scan node service is running, as this account might be different from the account that the Scan Node Control Center is running.

For Linux scan nodes:

    1. Run the following commands to apply a previously generated private key, saved as ./private_key.pem:

      Note: Replace NameOfTheKeyPair with the name of your encryption keys from the Elements Security Center.

cd /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent
sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll add-private-key NameOfTheKeyPair ./private_key.pem

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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