Notice the grace periods to be taken into account when switching from App Store FREEDOME VPN subscription to a multi-device subscription.
When your Apple App Store FREEDOME VPN subscription expires and you want to switch to a standalone FREEDOME VPN subscription or to a subscription that comes with F-Secure TOTAL, there is a grace period that you have to take into account before you can enter your new FREEDOME VPN account ID into the product.
The grace period length depends on the original Apple App Store subscription type:
Apple App Store subscription type | Grace period |
Monthly renewing subscription | 3 days |
Yearly renewing subscription | 7 days |
During this period, you are not able to activate FREEDOME VPN with your new account ID until the grace period is over. However, FREEDOME VPN remains fully functional even though it displays the subscription as expired.
Note: An auto-renewable Apple App Store subscription, including the initial 7-day free trial, must be manually canceled from Apple iTunes when switching to a F-Secure FREEDOME VPN or TOTAL multi-platform subscription. Otherwise the subscription will be automatically renewed. To cancel the auto-renewable app store subscription, read the following instructions: Apple support pages.