
You can have email alerts sent to designated recipients each time an Elements Endpoint Protection product installed on a computer or mobile device performs an infection-related action.

    1. Click Reports on the sidebar.
    2. On the Reports page, click the Infections tab.

The Infections table is displayed.

    1. Click the  icon next to the Infections title.

A menu is displayed.

    1. Select Configure alerting in the menu.

The Configure alerting form is displayed.

    1. Click the checkbox next to Send email alerts.
    2. Enter the email addresses for the recipients you want to receive the alerts.

Click Add recipient if you want to list additional people.

    1. Select the language you want to use for the content of the email alert message.
    2. Select the actions you want to send email alerts for by checking the appropriate checkboxes under Actions that trigger alerts.
    3. Click the Save button.

Email alerts has been set.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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