
The risk level score shows the estimated risk of a detection in the customer environment.

The risk level score is based on criticality and confidence of the detection.

Criticality means the possible impact that the detection would have in the customer environment. It is based on the severity of the detection – how much damage the detection could do – and the importance of the affected hosts.
Confidence means how likely it is that the detection is valid and not a false-positive.

The risk level score is calculated from criticality and confidence values.

Risk level score Color code Severity Description
36-65 Grey Low risk level No notable unusual activity.
66-75 Yellow Medium risk level Increased risk of malicious cyber activities, but nothing significant has occurred.
76-90 Orange High risk level Significant risk of malicious cyber activities or the potential incident can cause severe damage in the customer environment.
91-100 Red Severe risk level Severe risk of malicious cyber activities and the potential incident can compromise critical hosts in the customer environment.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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