
Instructions on how to monitor F-Secure Linux Protection using the Datto platform.

To monitor F-Secure Linux Protection:

    1. Download the pre-made Linux monitoring component from the following link: https://download.sp.f-secure.com/PSB/RMM/Datto/F-Secure_Linux_Protection_Monitor_LIN.cpt

It contains the following component: F-Secure Linux Protection Monitor [LIN]. Use this monitoring component to check the current status and whether F-Secure Linux Protection is installed and enabled. You can also check the current license status, statuses of different protection components, and the antivirus definition age. You can turn individual checks either on or off.

Note: For more details on the component, see its descriptions in the Datto RMM management portal.

Every configuration variable includes a help text.

  1. Import the component file (.cpt) in the Components page of the Datto portal.
  2. Create a Component Monitor using the imported component as follows:
      1. From the Sites menu, under Managed, select Devices.
      2. On the page that opens, select the device that you want to monitor.
      3. Select the icon, and then select Monitor.
      4. On the right side of the page, select the Monitors option. The device page opens.
      5. Select Add a monitor….
      6. On the Add monitor page, from the drop-down menu, select Component Monitor, and then select Next.
      7. From the Run the component monitor drop-down menu, select the component that you just imported.
      8. Adjust the parameters according to your needs, and select Next > Next > Next to complete the creation.

    Alert is generated when one of the components is turned off in the device, for example, Real Time Scanning or Integrity checking. The first failing check will generate an alert. The alert needs to be resolved before a new alert is generated for the same device from one monitor.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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