
Your Password Manager store will be created the first time you log in to Password Manager. This is your personal admin account from which you can manage password manager licenses.

Add a new Password Store

If you have a valid ESET license for ESET Smart Security Premium, ESET Password Manager allows you to add password stores for you, your family, or friends.

To add a password store:

1.Log in to myESET portal and choose the ESET Password Manager. Start by adding a new Password Store.

2.Click Add Password Store.

3.Enter the email address and confirm by clicking Add password store. The owner of the email you provided can use a password store after the invitation is accepted.

Remove Password Store

To remove the password store from your license:

1. Log in to myESET portal and choose the ESET Password Manager.

2.Click portal_menu next to the applicable email address.

3.Click Remove from license.

4.Click Remove from license again to confirm. The specific password store is disconnected from your license and is available to connect to another license.

Move the Password Store to another license

If you have more than one valid license for ESET Smart Security Premium and want to move the Password Store to another license, follow the instructions below:

1.Log in to myESET portal and choose the ESET Password Manager.

2.Click portal_menu next to the applicable email address.

3.Click Move to another license.

4.Choose another license.

5.Click Move to the license to confirm.

Source : Official ESET Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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