The stored scan node data can provide useful information for troubleshooting and maintenance purposes.
Linux scan nodes use the following paths to store their operation data:
- /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent/Scans/<scan_type>/<scan_id> contains files related to currently running scans
- /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent/Engines/ contains the scan engine binaries
- /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent/Updates/ contains temporary update files for scan engines
- /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent/logs/ contains the scan node’s log files
- /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent/scannode.db is used for storing configuration data and information on currently running scans
Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team
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