
Instructions on how to install and turn on the browsing protection extension in Mozilla Firefox.

    1. Download the latest Mozilla Firefox group policy template ADMX files
    2. Extract the cab file and copy the following Mozilla Firefox administrative template files and the en-US language folder to the C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions directory:

windows/mozilla.admx and firefox.admx

    1. Copy the files and the en-US language folder also to your SYSVOL folder:​​\\yourdomainhere\SYSVOL\yourdomainhere\Policies\PolicyDefinitions\.​

For example: \\example.com\SYSVOL\example.com\Policies\PolicyDefinitions.

Note: If you do not have the PolicyDefinitions folder, you need to create it.

  1. Install one of the F-Secure products on a computer.
  2. Go to Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/Mozilla/Firefox/Extensions/Extensions to install and edit the policy as follows:
      1. Select Enabled to turn the policy on.
      2. Under Options, select Show… and enter the following value:


  3. Go to Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/Mozilla/Firefox/Extensions/Prevent extensions from being disabled or removed and edit the policy as follows:
    1. Select Enabled to turn the policy on.
    2. Under Options, select Show… and enter the following value: [email protected].

When the group policy is activated, F-Secure Browsing Protection is on and forced to be on.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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