
This topic describes how you can install and activate F-Secure ID PROTECTION on your desktop computer.

Note: Depending on your service provider, the installation procedure may vary from the one described here.

Note: If you have an F-Secure TOTAL subscription, you can find the installation instructions here.

To install the app on your computer:

    1. Go to F-Secure’s website and select one of the following:
      • Try for free
        1. Before you can start installing ID PROTECTION, you must create an account for My F-Secure. In My F-Secure, you can manage your account details and subscription, and start installing the app on your devices.
        2. Continue from Step 2.
      • Buy now
        1. Choose the subscription period, the number of devices, and select Buy nowYour cart page opens, showing the subscription period and number of devices chosen.
        2. Enter your contact information.
        3. Select your payment option, enter the required details, and select Continue. The Confirm order page opens.
        4. If you still need to edit your information and payment details, select Edit.
        5. Select Buy now. Your order is now processed.
        6. Before you can start installing ID PROTECTION, you must create an account for My F-Secure. In My F-Secure, you can manage your account details and subscription, and start installing the app on your devices. Select Create an account for My F-Secure.
    2. To create an account for My F-Secure:
      1. Enter your first name, last name, email address and create a strong password or passphrase.
      2. Read the F-Secure End User License Terms and, if you agree to the terms, select Accept and create an account.

The My F-Secure page opens.

  1. To start installing the app, select Install ID PROTECTION.
  2. Select My device, and then select Continue.
  3. Select This computer, and select Download for Windows.
  4. Save the downloaded file, find it from your Downloads folder and double-click it to start the installation.

    Note: If prompted for your administrator credentials, enter them and select Yes.

  5. Once the F-Secure ID PROTECTION Setup window opens, read the End User License Terms and select Accept and continue.
  6. When the installation is completed, select Get started.
  7. When the Name new device window opens, enter the name of your device and select Continue.
  8. Do one of the following:
      • If this is your first ID PROTECTION installation, select Create Master Password:
          1. Create a strong master password.
          2. Repeat the master password to confirm it.
          3. Select Create Master Password.
          4. To save your recovery code, select Save recovery code.

        This recovery code is the only way for you to access the ID PROTECTION app if you forget your master password.

    You have now installed ID PROTECTION on your computer, and you can start monitoring your email addresses and entering your passwords and other credentials into ID PROTECTION.

      • If you already have ID PROTECTION on another device:
        1. Select Connect devices.
        2. Open ID PROTECTION on the other device that already has the app installed and go to Connect devices. The Connect devices page opens, showing a sync code.
        3. On the new device, enter this code in the Enter sync code here field and select Connect devices.
        4. Enter your current master password and select OK.

    From now on, your Vault data will be synchronized automatically between these two devices. If you want to connect more devices, repeat the above steps.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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