
You can install software updates on a selected device by choosing all updates, individual updates by a vendor, or all updates in a particular category.

Note: Software updates are categorized into Critical, Important, Non-security and Service packs.

    1. To install updates, select one of the following:
      • To install all available updates, on the Software Updates page, select the checkbox next to All updates. Updates for the first 50 vendors are shown.
      • To install individual software updates, on the Software Updates page, select the updates that you want to install.
    2. In the menu at the bottom of the page, select Select devices and install.

The Select computers page opens.

    1. Select the computer or computers on which you want to install the software updates.
    2. Select Install.

A request to install the updates will be sent to the selected devices.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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