
This topic describes how to install and activate F-Secure FREEDOME VPN on your desktop and laptop computers.

This information applies to you if you have a standalone version of the F-Secure FREEDOME product. If you have a subscription with F-Secure TOTAL, see article How do I install FREEDOME VPN (TOTAL) on my Mac?

To install and activate the app:

    1. On your computer, go to page https://www.f-secure.com/en/home/products/freedome#download.
    2. Select Download for Mac.
    3. Run the installer (Freedome.pkg), and once the Welcome to the Freedome Installer window opens, select Continue.
    4. Read the software license agreement, and select Continue > Agree to accept the terms of service.

The Select a Destination window opens.

    1. Select whether to install the app for all users of the computer or for you only, and then select Continue.
    2. Under Installation Type, select Continue > Install.

If you are prompted for your administrator credentials, enter them and select Install Software to start the installation.

  1. Once the installation is completed, select Close.
  2. From the app’s main menu, select Subscription.
  3. Select Activate subscription.
  4. Enter the code and select Submit.

FREEDOME is ready to protect your privacy.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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