
How do I install from the CD I just purchased?

The box includes a product manual, your license-key and of course a CD-ROM containing the software.
The license-key (in the format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX) can be found on a sticker underneath the CD.

The License-Key may also be provideed without a CD, if BullGuard is already installed on the device you bought. In this case, you will have the key on a piece of paper which comes with your device documentation and instructions on how to activate it.

Important note!
Once you have activated the License-key and thus the subscription, you cannot use the key again.

Instead, you will use your registered Username (email address) and password to activate BullGuard when you reinstall, or install on a different device, to login to the application so it retrieves the subscription status from our server.

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