

Perform a manual update of your product anytime to ensure that you are using the latest protection updates. In addition, it is recommended that you perform a manual update whenever there is a threat outbreak, or if you suspect that your computer is infected, and a scan did not detect any threats.

To manually check for updates

  1. Open the K7 Ultimate Security Main Console and click the Update icon at the bottom of the page.

2. Make sure you are connected to the Internet and click Run update now. Your product connects to the K7 Computing web site and downloads the updates. A message indicating the status of the update is displayed.

3. Please wait till getting ‘Successfully updated’ message.

4. Once the product has been updated you will need to close all open applications and reboot your computer for the update to take effect.

Note: To Scan the product please refer “How To Scan” under Getting Started

Source : Official G Data Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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