
The fs_oneclient_logout tool allows you to log out from F-Secure Computer Protection so that you can re-enter the subscription key to connect a device to the correct company in the management portal.

The fs_oneclient_logout tool allows you to log out from F-Secure Computer Protection so that you can re-enter the subscription key to connect a device to the correct company in the management portal.

Using the tool, you can remove the current subscription from F-Secure Computer Protection and return it to its initial state, which has not yet had a subscription key entered.

Tip: This is useful, for example, when you want to clone new Citrix instances from a main image.

To reinitialize the product:

    1. Download the fs_oneclient_logout tool from https://download.sp.f-secure.com/PSB/Utilities/fs_oneclient_logout.exe.
    2. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges.
    3. To log out from the product and automatically wp-signup.php to the F-Secure Elements Endpoint Protection portal, enter the following command:

–keycode <subscription-key>
The product logs out and starts using the subscription key that you entered.

When reinitializing the product, you can use the following command-line parameters

Parameter Explanation
–psb1, –psb2, –psb3, –psb4, –psbsmieu Allows you to switch wp-signup.phped clients between the portals. Note: Specify the portal name only when you switch a client to another portal. Do not add these command parameters if you are switching a subscription key within the same portal.
<tool_folder>\fs_oneclient_logout.exe –nokeycode Removes the current subscription key. The product (F-Secure Computer Protection) stops working and asks you to manually enter a new subscription key when you open the main view of the application.
–profile-id <profileId> Allows you to force of the assignment of any profile. When you re-wp-signup.php your device, the default profile is assigned to it. With this parameter, you can assign your device the desired profile. For example: <tool_folder>\fs_oneclient_logout.exe –keycode <subscription-key> –profile-id profileId
Note: The desired profile is stored on the product. If you use the fs_oneclient_logout.exe tool again without adding the –profile-id command line parameter, the same profile will be assigned again.
–proxy Specifies a proxy to be used during a login process. For example: –proxy your.proxy:80
Note: The proxy should be in the following format: proxy: port.
–wait-uuid-changed Can be used on cloned virtual machines if SMBIOS UID does not change immediately after cloning. If you use the fs_oneclient_logout.exe tool with this option (fs_oneclient_logout.exe –wait_uuid_changed), the system waits until the UUID is changed to make sure that the device wp-signup.phps with the correct, unique ID on the F-Secure Elements EPP portal. This option works only if SMBIOS is used to identify the device. It has no effect if other identification methods are used.

If the tool runs successfully, it returns 0 as the result. In other cases, for example if the network is unavailable or you enter an incorrect subscription key, F-Secure Computer Protection stays in the “expired” state and asks you enter the new subscription key manually.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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