If you have installed your McAfee software on the maximum number of computers for the number of licenses that you purchased, you are not allowed to install the software on more computers. To install your software on another computer, you must purchase more licenses or transfer a license to your new computer.

Before you can transfer a license, you must deactivate the license on one of your existing computers. When you install the software on the new computer, the deactivated license becomes active on the new computer.

The most common reason to deactivate and transfer a license is when you replace a computer. Or, because of a hardware failure that requires a new hard drive.

How to check that your license has been deactivated:

  1. Go to home.mcafee.com.
  2. Click Log in.
  3. Type your McAfee user account and password.
  4. Click LOGIN. If you want your browser to remember your user name, select Remember Me.
  5. Select the device that you want to check. The resulting screen tells you which apps are installed and which are available.

    If the license is deactivated, it indicates Inactive, as shown below:

    Installed McAfee Apps screen showing an Inactive license. The screen provides a link to Learn more about your software status.

To learn how to deactivate a license automatically or manually, click the relevant link below:

To deactivate a license automatically, uninstall your McAfee product in the standard way.

  1. Make sure that your computer or device has internet access.
  2. Remove your McAfee product using the standard removal method for your computer or device.

    When you remove a McAfee product using the standard removal method, the uninstall program communicates back to home.mcafee.com and deactivates the license for that product.

    NOTE: It might take a few days for the change to appear in My Account.

    To learn how to uninstall your McAfee software, see one of the following articles:

NOTE: If you are unable to uninstall the product, contact Customer Service. (You might be unable to uninstall the product because you no longer have the device or it is no long working.) Customer Service can deactivate the license for you.

It is no longer possible to deactivate a license manually through home.mcafee.com.

Instead, contact Customer Service who can deactivate the license for you.

To activate the license on another computer, follow the instructions in TS100342 – How to download and install McAfee consumer products from the computer you are installing your McAfee products on.

Source : Official McAfee Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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