
This topic explains how we use multiple encryption layers to keep your data safe.

The data stored in the app is encrypted and decrypted only on your own device. Every time you enter your ID PROTECTION master password, this password adds another layer of encryption, as it is used to generate an encryption key that descrambles your encrypted ID PROTECTION data. This process is carried out by using the PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) standard, which adds a salt (random data) value to the password, and hashes the resulting data with the HMAC-SHA256 function. This process gets repeated 20,000 times.

Your master password and the master encryption key are never stored anywhere. The encryption keys exist only when you use the product. When you turn off F-Secure ID PROTECTION, the encryption key is destroyed. We have no way of decrypting any information that you have saved in F-Secure ID PROTECTION.

This level of security also means that there is no way for F-Secure to recover your password or data for you if you forget the master password. Furthermore, F-Secure does not track you when you synchronize your data across devices.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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