
If there are any issues with the scan engine directory integrity, you can reset the engines to download fresh instances.

    1. Run the following commands to reset the scan engines:

cd /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent
sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll reset-engines

To reset a specific scan engine, you can use the engine type as an argument:

cd /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent
sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll reset-engines DiscoveryScan
sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll reset-engines SystemScan
sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll reset-engines WebScan

Note: It might take a few minutes to reset the scan engines. We do not recommend using this operation to update the engines – use the sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll update-engines command instead.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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