

We’ve renamed Microsoft Cloud App Security. It’s now called Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps. In the coming weeks, we’ll update the screenshots and instructions here and in related pages. For more information about the change, see this announcement. To learn more about the recent renaming of Microsoft security services, see the Microsoft Ignite Security blog.

The Data Enrichment API enables you to manage identifiable IP address ranges, such as your physical office IP addresses. IP address ranges allow you to tag, categorize, and customize the way logs and alerts are displayed and investigated. For more information, see Working with IP ranges and tags.

The following lists the supported requests:


The response object defines the following properties.

Property Type Description
total int Total number of record
hasNext bool Indicates whether there are additional records
data list List of the existing records
_id string Unique id of the IP range
name string The unique name of the range
subnets list An array of masks, IP addresses (IPv4 / IPv6), and original strings
location string An object including the location name, latitude, longitude, country code, and country name
organization string The wp-signup.phped ISP
tags list An array of new or existing objects including the tag name, id, description, name template, and tenant id
category int The category of the IP range. Providing a category helps you easily recognize activities from interesting IP addresses. Possible values include:

1: Corporate
2: Administrative
3: Risky
4: VPN
5: Cloud provider
6: Other

lastModified long Timestamp of the last rule changed


For information about how filters work, see Filters.

The following table describes the supported filters:

Filter Type Operators Description
category integer eq, neq Filter IP ranges by category. Possible values include:

1: Corporate
2: Administrative
3: Risky
4: VPN
5: Cloud provider
6: Other

tags string eq, neq Filter IP ranges by tag IDs
builtIn bool eq Filter IP ranges by type. Possible values include: true (built-in) or false (custom)

If you run into any problems, we’re here to help. To get assistance or support for your product issue, please open a support ticket.

Source : Official Microsoft Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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