
Scan templates give you an easy way to store a set of options that you want to use across several discovery scans.

    1. Go to the Templates tab.
    2. Click Add discovery scan template or click the menu button in the Actions column and select Edit to edit an existing template.
    3. Enter a name and a description for the template.
    4. Click Next.
    5. Define settings for the template. Choose a scan mode between host discovery or one of the port scan options:
      • Host discovery mode is extremely fast at identifying hosts on a network. It is mainly used on internal networks where all hosts reply to an ICMP ping. The host discovery mode is fast because its only purpose is to identify hosts on the network. It does not care about how many open ports a given system has.
      • Port scan mode will attempt to detect hosts on a network and their open ports within the specified port range. Port scan is mainly used to identify hosts and services on Internet-facing systems.
      1. To select Port scan, select the port range to scan:
        • Top 100 scans each IP for the 100 most common open ports.
        • Top 1000 scans each IP for the 1000 most common open ports.
        • Full range scans the full TCP and UDP range from 0 to 65535.
        • Custom allows you to select your own range. For example, TCP 0 – 10000 and UDP 0 – 5000.
      2. Select Detect operating system to attempt to detect the operating system based on the information gathered during the port scan.
      3. Select Proceed if no PING to force the discovery scan to port scan an IP even if it does not reply to PING. If this option is disabled, the port scan might go faster, but some open ports might not be detected.
    6. Select the Scanning performance.

This setting controls the timeout, which means how long the discovery scan should wait for a reply before it moves on to the next port number. Note that aggressive settings may cause a Denial of Service condition on the target host itself or the intermediate network equipment, such as a firewall.

    1. Select the Number of threads.

This setting defines how much resources are used to scan a single IP address. A higher amount of threads increases the overall scan speed, but it should be used carefully – especially if the scanning performance settings are above normal. Such optimized configuration might decrease the scan precision.

    1. Turn Double check on or off.

This setting forces the discovery scan to scan each port twice. Use this option when scan accuracy is more important than scan speed, or if the network is slow or unstable.

    1. Turn Fragmented scan on or off.

The fragmented scan mode can be used to fragment IP packets in an attempt to bypass low-quality or misconfigured firewalls.

  1. Click Finish to save the template.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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