Yes, but before being able to use the autofill function you need to enable the F-Secure KEY keyboard on your device.
How to use the autofill function:
- Log in to F-Secure KEY with your master password.
- Go to a web service you want to access.
- To sign in, tap the username field.
Your default keyboard appears.
- Tap the keyboard icon in the bottom-right of your screen, and select F-Secure KEY from the Change keyboard window.
Your default keyboard is now replaced with F-Secure KEY keyboard.
- Select the desired service from the keyboard.
F-Secure KEY fills in your credentials automatically.
- Sign in to the web service.
Note: If the web service has automatically filled in your username, and you only need to fill in your password, in the bottom-left of the F-Secure KEY keyboard, first tap User & Pwd button twice so that it displays Pwd, and then select the desired service. F-Secure KEY fills in the password and you are ready to access the service.