

ESET Customer Advisory 2016-0011

August 22, 2016

Severity: Medium


ESET has identified an issue in Remote Administrator 6.4 that can cause creation of All-in-one installers to fail. A fix for this issue is available for download, follow the instructions below to install it.

Customer Advisory


This issue affects All-in-one installers deployed as part of a preconfigured package containing the ESET Remote Administrator Agent and an endpoint ESET product. It caused file downloads from the ESET repository to fail with no error message.

The issue was related to a setting that caused downloads to terminate automatically after 120 seconds. This update sets the timeout value to 10 minutes. The updated Repository.dll/Repository.so libraries are available for download below.


  1. Download the appropriate file for the system on which your ESET Remote Administrator Server runs:

Please note that the Windows version can only be used with ESET Remote Administrator Server and the Linux version can only be used with ESET Remote Administrator Server 6.4.304.0.

  1. Stop the ESET Remote Administrator Server.
  2. Replace the Repository.dll (for Windows) or Repository.so (for Linux) file in the ESET Remote Administrator Server’s installation folder with the downloaded file

    If you are using the default install locations, this file will be located in the following directory for your operating system (these will differ if you have installed to a custom location):

    Windows: C:\Program Files\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Server

    Linux: /opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/

  3. Start the ESET Remote Administrator Server.

Affected programs and versions

  • ESET Remote Administrator (Windows)
  • ESET Remote Administrator 6.4.304.0 (Linux)

Feedback & Support

If you have feedback or questions about this issue, please contact us using the ESET Security Forum, or via local ESET Support.

Version log

Version 1.0 (August 22, 2016): Initial version of this document

Source : Official ESET Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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