
Steps to be followed to achieve Log Backup

  1. Login to K7 Security UTM
  2. Click on Configuration
  3. Select Alert/Logs/Report
  4. Click on Ftp Log Export and Enable the Services
  5. In Configuration Tab provide the Custom Name
  6. Configure the Backup Frequency as Daily
  7. In Backup Start /End Time provide the time to export the log to the FTP server from firewall
  8. In Backup file name Prefix provide the system name / specific text which to be name as.
  9. Under FTP configurations
    – In Server IP provide the FTP server IP address or domain name
    – Under Server Port Provide the your FTP server port number (Default 21)
    – Configure SSL/TLS as Enable /Disable depends on the FTP Server
    – In Server directory configure the Home directory /specify folder or the location the Log files to be stored.
    – In Login id/ Password provide the credentials of the server.
  10. After making the necessary configuration, Click Save and Restart Service.

Configuration Backup

Steps to be followed to perform Configuration Backup

  1. Click on Administration and Select Configure Management
  2. In Remote Backup Enable and provide the Name
  3. In Backup Type Select FTP or Email
  4. In Backup Frequency Select the schedule as Daily or weekly
  5. Time represents at what time the backup needs to be pushed to the Server
  6. Name configured represents the name that will gets stored in the ftp server
  7. Provide the FTP Details
  8. After making the necessary configuration, Click Save and Restart Service.

Note: In case of same issue or required assistance, you may raise ticket at Submit a TicketSo our Technical Support Team can assist you to resolve your query.

Source : Official K7 Computing Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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