To apply a new .fsrl license file to an already installed Radar Scan Node Agent, you need to copy the file to the installation directory.
- Run the following commands to apply the new license file:
cd /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent && sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll apply-license ./license.fsrl
- To apply a known Radar Scan Node Agent license ID for a particular scanning module, you can apply the license ID directly to the Scan Node Agent configuration.
For example, for the system scan module, run the following commands:
cd /opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent
sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll set-config SystemScan.License 85f95bbf-15cf-4d06-8347-e91a1eb539b8
sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll set-config SystemScan.Enabled true
sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll update-engines
Note: If the installation directory (/opt/f-secure/radar-scannodeagent) already contains a .fsrl file, the data from that license file is applied when you restart the agent, overwriting the manual changes.
Note: If the installation directory contains more than one .fsrl file, you can run the following command to check which one is in use: sudo dotnet ScanNodeAgent.dll get-config LicenseFileName