
This topic describes how to activate your FREEDOME VPN license if you have bought the app from your internet service provider (ISP).

Note: This does not apply to you if you have bought a standalone version of the FREEDOME VPN app through Google Play Store, Apple App Store or through F-Secure’s webstore or a reseller.

If you have bought your FREEDOME VPN app from your ISP, you can activate the app via the Log in button on the Subscription page.

To activate the license, do as follows:

  2. From the left navigation, select Subscription.
  3. Select the Log in button.
  4. Enter the email address and password that you have obtained from your ISP.

Your FREEDOME VPN license has now been activated.

Note: If you log out from the subscription, it will discontinue and free up the FREEDOME VPN license on your device.

Source : Official F-Secure Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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