
If you installed a Business-To-Consumer product by mistake and our database also identifies it as a B2C installation, you must perform a Business-To-Business (B2B) change installation to switch it to business mode.

When clicking on License Management in the product, you can determine if the license is in B2B or B2C mode. If you click on License Management in the product and you are redirected to my.avira.com, the product is in B2C mode.

  1. Uninstall Avira including its components and reboot the device.
  2. Download the appropriate installation files.
  3. Run the installation files.
  4. Follow the installation wizard.

The product is now installed in B2B mode and can be activated as usual via the Question mark icon → License management.

The “My Avira Account” module is no longer available in this mode, as it is designed exclusively for consumers.

Source : Official Avira Brand
Editor by : BEST Antivirus KBS Team

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